Logilica DataStudioTM

Quick Start Engineering Intelligence

Get our embedded analytics DataStudioTM to tailor your metrics, insights and risks. Create new charts, dashboards and reports. Make it your in-house reporting platform.
Tailor to Your Needs
Use Logilica for tailored  queries or full customisation.
Add Custom Insights
Build on top of exisiting insights or add your own metrics.
platform engineering
Save DIY Cost
Building a platform can cost millions over the years. Make it yours today instead.
Analytics platform

Create Your Metrics

With Logilica you are not limited to exisiting  metrics, charts or dashboards. Get full access to our engineering data warehouse, APIs and query builder solution. Accelerate months of internal development.

platform engineering dashboard
engineering metrics dashboard

Design Your Reports

With Logilica's dashboard builder your can create your own reports in minutes and simplify your stakeholder reporting. Share access with your teams for continuous seamless alignment.

Branding & Licensing

Your Corporate Brand

Take the next step in your platform engineering journey and make Logilica your internal metrics and reporting portal. Contact our account experts to discuss branding and white label options.

platform engineering

Logilica Connects to Your Exisiting Tools

Simply connect your engineering meta data with Logilica to obtain insights out of the box an start tracking towards your operational and delivery goals.